WHO=$(whoami)if [ ${WHO} = root ]then:elseecho -e “\033[1m\E[33;40mMust be root can run me !!!!\033[0m"exit 1fi# Source function library.. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions# Source networking configuration.. /etc/sysconfig/network# Source networking configuration.[ "$NETWORKING" = "no" ] && exit 0NGINX_HOME=/home/hr/nginxhr
NGNIX_CONF=${NGINX_HOME}/conf/nginx.confNGINX_PID_FILE=${NGINX_HOME}/logs/nginx.pidNGINX_BIN=${NGINX_HOME}/sbin/nginxNGINX_NAME=$(basename ${NGINX_BIN})lockfile=/var/lock/subsys/nginx_wp
echo -n “start Nginx …”[ -x $nginx ] || echo “Nginx no permit”daemon ${NGINX_BIN}RETVAL=$?[ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] && touch $lockfileechoreturn $RETVAL}Stop(){
PID=$(cat ${NGINX_HOME}/logs/*.pid)echo -e “\033[1m\E[34;40mpid file give us ${NGINX_HOME} pid is :\033[0m\033[1m\E[33;40m${PID}\033[0m"PS=$(/bin/ps -ef |grep ${NGINX_HOME}|grep -v grep|awk '{print $2}')echo -e "\033[1m\E[34;40mps -ef give us ${NGINX_HOME} pid is :\033[0m\033[1m\E[33;40m${PS}\033[0m"echo -e "\033[1m\E[33;40mdo you want to continue stop?yes or no\033[0m"read -p "[yes|no]:” whatcase ${what} inyes) kill ${PID} && echo “${NGINX_HOME} is killed”;;no) echo -e “\033[1m\E[33;41mthere must have some wrong\033[0m" && exit 1 ;;*) echo -e "\033[1m\E[33;41mhey man,what are you doing here!!!\033[0m" && exit 1;;esac}Reload(){
PID=$(cat ${NGINX_HOME}/logs/*.pid)echo -e "\033[1m\E[34;40mpid file give us ${NGINX_HOME} pid is :\033[0m\033[1m\E[33;40m${PID}\033[0m"PS=$(/bin/ps -ef |grep ${NGINX_HOME}|grep -v grep|awk '{print $2}')echo -e "\033[1m\E[34;40mps -ef give us ${NGINX_HOME} pid is :\033[0m\033[1m\E[33;40m${PS}\033[0m"echo -e "\033[1m\E[33;40mdo you want to continue reload?yes or no\033[0m"read -p "[yes|no]:” loadcase ${load} inyes) kill -HUP ${PID};newPID=$(/bin/ps -ef |grep ${NGINX_HOME}|grep -v grep|awk ‘{print $2}’);echo -e “${NGINX_HOME} is reload ok ,PID is :\033[1m\E[31;40m$(echo ${newPID})\033[0m”;;no) echo -e “\033[1m\E[33;41mthere must have some wrong\033[0m” && exit 1 ;;*) echo -e “\033[1m\E[33;41mhey man,what are you doing here!!!\033[0m” && exit 1;;esac}
PID=$(cat ${NGINX_HOME}/logs/*.pid);kill -HUP ${PID};}Restart(){
Stop;sleep 2;Start;}Checkconfig(){
echo “checking Nginx config …”${NGINX_BIN} -t}showhelp(){ echo “Usage: nginx.sh {start|stop|restart|checkconfig(c)}”}case $1 in